If you want to succeed in today’s marketplace, your marketing strategy must incorporate social media. Social media marketing is closely related to and generally associated with content marketing. How can you be sure to get the most out of your social media marketing? Well, today we shall discuss seven of the most egregious errors you…
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Successful Marketing Requires Successfully Educating Consumers: 4 Tips
It’s time to face facts: a sales pitch just won’t cut it in today’s marketplace. Modern Consumers–especially Millennials and members of Generation Z–are (or at least consider themselves) savvier than the Consumers of the past. Simply put, traditional methods of advertising are just not enough. What can you do?
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We have all probably heard the maxim, “Don’t put all your eggs into one basket.” This saying is wise because it reminds us not to focus all of our resources or efforts on only one area (if a farmer puts all of his collected eggs into one basket, what happens if he drops the basket?). You wouldn’t spend your entire marketing budget on one advertisement, but what about your product line?
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Pet health supplements are booming right now. Our Clients who have debuted pet supplement product lines and even those Clients who just added one or two pet health products to their existing lines all rave about the profits they earn from these products. How can you cash in, you might wonder? Simple: add pet health supplements to your line as soon as possible.
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Did you know the health supplement industry make an average of $122 billion annually? That’s a massive amount of profit, and every study out there projects that the industry is going to substantially increase in the years to come. If you are a professional in the health supplement industry, you might be wondering which products you should add to your product line to ensure that you get an even bigger piece of the profit.
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