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Ingredient Glossary: Ga-Gn

A gum-like material (resin) from the roots and trunk of a tree.
Also known as: Ferula galbaniflua, Ferula gummosa, Galbanum Gum, Galbanum Gum Resin, Galbanum Oleogum Resin, Galbanum Oleoresin, Galbanum Resin.
A gum-like substance (resin) from the trunk of a tree.
Also known as: Camboge, Gambodia, Garcinia hanburyi, Gomme-Gutte, Gummigutta, Gutta Cambodia, Gutta Gamba, Tom Rong.
Gamma Linolenic Acid
A fatty substance found in various plant seed oils such as borage oil and evening primrose oil.
Also known as: Acide Gamma-Linolénique, Ácido Gama Linolénico, Gamolenic Acid, GLA, Gammalinolenic Acid, Gamma-Linolenic Acid, (Z,Z,Z)-Octadeca-6,9,12-trienoic acid.
Gamma Oryzanol
A substance extracted from rice bran oil.
Also known as: Gama Orizanol, Gamma-Oryzanol, Gamma-OZ, Oryzanol.
A plant. The fruit rind is used to make medicine.
Also known as: Brindal Berry, Brindall Berry, Brindle Berry, Cambogia gummi-guta, Garcinia Cambogi, Garcinia Cambogia, Garcinia Quaesita, Gorikapuli, Hydroxycitrate, Hydroxycitric Acid, HCA, Kankusta, Malabar Tamarind, Mangostana cambogia, Vrikshamla.
Garden Cress
A plant. The above ground pieces are used to make medicine.
Also known as: Cresson Alénois, Lepidium sativum.
Garden Violet
A plant. The plant and oil extracted from the leaves are used to make medicine.
Also known as: Viola odorata, Violette Odorante, Wild Violet.
An herb. Used to make medicine.
Also known as: Aged Garlic Extract, Ail, Ajo, Allii Sativi Bulbus, Allium, Allium sativum, Camphor of the Poor, Clove Garlic, Da Suan, Garlic Clove, Garlic Oil, Lasun, Lasuna, Nectar of the Gods, Poor Man's Treacle, Rason, Rust Treacle, Stinking Rose.
A protein made from animal products.
Also known as: Collagen Hydrolysate, Collagène Dénaturé, Collagène Hydrolysé, Collagène Marin Hydrolysé, Denatured Collagen, Gelatina, Gelatine, Gélatine, Gélatine Hydrolysée, Hydrolised Collagen, Hydrolysed Collagen, Hydrolyzed Collagen, Hydrolyzed Collagen Protein, Hydrolyzed Gelatin, Marine Collagen Hydrolysate, Protéine de Collagène Hydrolysé.
A plant. The root and underground stem (rhizome) are used to make medicine.
Also known as: Bignonia sempervirens, Carolina Jasmine, Evening Trumpet Flower, False Jasmine, Gelsemii Rhizoma, Gelsemin, Gelsemio, Gelsemium nitidum, Gelsemium sempervirens, Gelsemiumwurzelstock Jessamine, Gou Min, Trumpet Flower, Woodbine, Yellow Jasmine, Yellow Jessamine Root.
An herb. Used to make medicine.
Also known as: Bitter Root, Bitterwort, Gall Weed, Geneciana, Gentianae Radix, Gentiane, Gentiane Jaune, Grande Gentiane, Pale Gentian, Stemless Gentian, Yellow Gentian, Wild Gentian, Gentiana Lutea, Gentiana Acaulis.
German Chamomile
An herb. Used to make medicine.
Also known as: Blue Chamomile, Camomèle, Camomilla, Camomille, Camomille Allemande, Camomille Sauvage, Camomille Tronquée, Camomille Vraie, Chamomile, Chamomilla recutita, Echte Kamille, Feldkamille, Fleur de Camomile, Hungarian Chamomile, Kamillen, Kleine Kamille, Manzanilla, Manzanilla Alemana, Matricaire, Matricaire Camomille, Matricaria chamomilla, Matricaria recutita, Matricariae Flos, Œil du Soleil, Petite Camomille, Pin Heads, Sweet False Chamomile, True Chamomile, Wild Chamomile.
German Ipecac
A plant. The leaf, root, and underground stem (rhizome) are used to make medicine.
Also known as: Cynanchum vincetoxicum, Dompte-Venin Officinal, Swallow Wort.
German Sarsaparilla
A plant. The underground stems are used to make medicine.
Also known as: Carex arenaria, Caricis rhizoma, Red Couchgrass, Red Sage, Red Wheatgrass, Salsepareille, Sand Sedge, Sandriedgraswurzelstock, Sea Sedge.
A plant. The above ground pieces are used to make medicine.
Also known as: Germandrée, Teucrium chamaedrys, Wall Germander, Wild Germander.
A chemical element.
Also known as: Atomic number 32, Bis-Carboxyethyl Germanium Sesquioxide, Carboxyethylgermanium Sesquioxide, Ge, Ge-132, Ge-Oxy 132, Germanio, Germanium-132, Germanium Lactate Citrate, Germanium Sesquioxide, Inorganic Germanium, Organic Germanium, Spirogermanium.
An herb. Used to make medicine.
Also known as: African Ginger, Amomum Zingiber, Ardraka, Black Ginger, Cochin Ginger, Gan Jiang, Gingembre, Gingembre Africain, Gingembre Cochin, Gingembre Indien, Gingembre Jamaïquain, Gingembre Noir, Ginger Essential Oil, Ginger Root, Huile Essentielle de Gingembre, Imber, Indian Ginger, Jamaica Ginger, Jengibre, Jiang, Kankyo, Kanshokyo, Nagara, Race Ginger, Racine de Gingembre, Rhizoma Zingiberi, Rhizoma Zingiberis, Rhizoma Zingiberis Recens, Shen Jiang, Sheng Jiang, Shoga, Shokyo, Shunthi, Srungavera, Sunth, Sunthi, Vishvabheshaja, Zingiber Officinale, Zingiberis Rhizoma, Zingiberis Siccatum Rhizoma, Zinzeberis, Zinziber Officinale, Zinziber Officinalis.
An herb. Used to make medicine.
Also known as: Abricot Argenté Japonais, Adiantifolia, Arbre aux Écus, Arbre aux Quarante Écus, Arbre du Ciel, Arbre Fossile, Bai Guo Ye, Baiguo, Extrait de Feuille de Ginkgo, Extrait de Ginkgo, Fossil Tree, Ginkgo biloba, Ginkgo Extract, Ginkgo Folium, Ginkgo Leaf Extact, Ginkgo Seed, Graine de Ginkgo, Herba Ginkgo Biloba, Japanese Silver Apricot, Kew Tree, Maidenhair Tree, Noyer du Japon, Pei Go Su Ye, Salisburia Adiantifolia, Yen Xing, Yinhsing.
Ginseng, American
An herb. Used to make medicine.
Also known as: American Ginseng, Anchi Ginseng, Baie Rouge, Canadian Ginseng, Ginseng, Ginseng à Cinq Folioles, Ginseng Américain, Ginseng Americano, Ginseng d'Amérique, Ginseng D'Amérique du Nord, Ginseng Canadien, Ginseng de l'Ontario, Ginseng du Wisconsin, Ginseng Occidental, Ginseng Root, North American Ginseng, Occidental Ginseng, Ontario Ginseng, Panax Quinquefolium, Panax quinquefolius, Racine de Ginseng, Red Berry, Ren Shen, Sang, Shang, Shi Yang Seng, Wisconsin Ginseng, Xi Yang Shen.
Ginseng, Panax
A plant. People use the root to make medicine.
Also known as: Asian Ginseng, Asiatic Ginseng, Chinese Ginseng, Chinese Red Ginseng, Ginseng, Ginseng Asiatique, Ginseng Blanc, Ginseng Blanc de Corée, Ginseng Chinois, Ginseng Coréen, Ginseng Coréen Rouge, Ginseng de Corée, Ginseng Japonais, Ginseng Oriental, Ginseng Panax, Ginseng Radix Alba, Ginseng Root, Ginseng Rouge, Ginseng Sino-coréen, Ginseng Tibétain, Guigai, Hong Shen, Japanese Ginseng, Jen-Shen, Jinsao, Jintsam, Insam, Korean Ginseng, Korean Panax, Korean Panax Ginseng, Korean Red Ginseng, Korean White Ginseng, Mandragore de Chine, Ninjin, Ninzin, Oriental Ginseng, Panax Coréen, Panax Ginseng Blanc, Panax schinseng, Racine de Vie, Radix Ginseng Rubra, Red Chinese Ginseng, Red Ginseng, Red Kirin Ginseng, Red Korean Ginseng, Red Panax Ginseng, Ren Shen, Renshen, Renxian, Sang, Seng, Sheng Shai Shen, Tibetan Ginseng, White Ginseng, White Panax Ginseng.
Ginseng, Siberian
A plant. People use the root of the plant to make medicine.
Also known as: Acanthopanax Obovatus, Acanthopanax Obovatus Hoo, Acanthopanax senticosus, Buisson du Diable, Ci Wu Jia, Ciwujia, Ciwujia Root, Ciwujia Root Extract, Devil's Bush, Devil's Shrub, Éleuthéro, Eleuthero Ginseng, Eleuthero Root, Eleutherococci Radix, Eleutherococcus senticosus, Éleuthérocoque, Ginseng de Sibérie, Ginseng des Russes, Ginseng Root, Ginseng Siberiano, Ginseng Sibérien, Hedera senticosa, North Wu Jia Pi, Phytoestrogen, Plante Secrète des Russes, Poivre Sauvage, Prickly Eleutherococcus, Racine d'Eleuthérocoque, Racine de Ginseng, Racine Russe, Russian Root, Shigoka, Siberian Eleuthero, Siberian Ginseng, Thorny Bearer of Free Berries, Touch-Me-Not, Untouchable, Ussuri, Ussurian Thorny Pepperbrush, Wild Pepper, Wu Jia Pi, Wu-jia.
Globe Flower
A plant. The whole fresh plant is used to make medicine.
Also known as: Globe Crowfoot, Globe Ranunculus, Globe Trollius, Trolle d'Europe, Trollius europaeus.
Glossy Privet
A plant. The ripe fruit is used to make medicine.
Also known as: Aligustre, Chinese Linguster, Chinese Ligustrum, Chinese Privet, Dongqingzi, Chinese Wax-leaf Privet, Joteishi, Ligustro, Ligustro Ceroso, Ligustrum, Ligustrum Fruit, Ligustrum lucidum, Nu Zhen, Nu Zhen Zi, Nuzhenzi, To-Nezumimochi, Tree Privet, Troène De Chine, Trueno, White Waxtree, Yojungja.
A sugar made from the root of the konjac plant (Amorphophallus konjac).
Also known as: Amorphophallus konjac, Amorphophallus rivieri, Glucomanano, Glucomannane, Konjac, Konjac Mannan.
Glucosamine Hydrochloride
Is usually made from seashells, or it can be made in the laboratory and is a salt form of glucosamine.
Also known as: 2-amino-2-deoxyglucose hydrochloride, 2-Amino-1-Deoxy-Beta-D-Glucopyranose, Amino Monosaccharide, Chitosamine, Chlorhidrato de Glucosamina, Chlorhydrate de Glucosamine, D-Glucosamine HCl, Glucosamine, Glucosamine HCl, Glucosamine KCl, Glucosamine-6-Phosphate.
Glucosamine Sulfate
A chemical compound found in the fluid around joints.
Also known as: 2-Amino-2-Deoxy-Beta-D-Glucopyranose, 2-Amino-2-Deoxy-D-Glucose Sulfate, 2-amino-2-deoxyglucose sulfate, Amino Monosaccharide, Chitosamine, Chlorure de Potassium-Sulfate de Glucosamine, D-Glucosamine, D-Glucosamine Sulfate, D-Glucosamine Sulphate, G6S, Glucosamine, Glucosamine Potassium Sulfate, Glucosamine Sulfate 2KCl, Glucosamine Sulfate-Potassium Chloride, Glucosamine Sulphate, Glucosamine Sulphate KCl, Glucosamine-6-Phosphate, GS, Mono-Sulfated Saccharide, Poly-(1->3)-N-Acetyl-2-Amino-2-Deoxy-3-O-Beta-D-Glucopyranurosyl-4-(or 6-) Sul, Saccharide Mono-Sulfaté, Saccharide Sulfaté, Sulfate de Glucosamine, Sulfate de Glucosamine 2KCl, SG, Sulfated Monosaccharide, Sulfated Saccharide, Sulfato de Glucosamina.
An amino acid (a building block for proteins), found naturally in the body.
Also known as: Acide Glutamique, Acide Glutamique HCl, Acide L-(+)-2-Aminoglutaramique, Acide L-Glutamique, Acide L-Glutamique HCl, Alanyl-L-Glutamine Dipeptide, Éthyle Ester de Glutamine, Éthyle Ester de Glutamine HCl, GLN, Glutamate, Glutamic Acid, Glutamic Acid HCl, Glutamina, Glutaminate, Glutamine Ethyl Ester, Glutamine Ethyl Ester HCl, Glutamine Methyl Ester, Glutamine Peptides, Levoglutamide, Levoglutamine, L-(+)-2-Aminoglutaramic Acid, L-Glutamic Acid, L-Glutamic Acid HCl, L-Glutamic Acid Hydrochloride, L-Glutamic Acid 5-Amide, L-Glutamine, N-Acetyl-L-Glutamine, Peptides de Glutamine, Q, (S)-2,5-Diamino-5-oxopentanoic Acid.
A substance produced naturally by the liver.
Also known as: Gamma-Glutamylcysteinylglycine, Gamma-L-Glutamyl-L-Cysteinylglycine, Glutatión, L-Gamma-Glutamyl-L-Cysteinyl-Glycine, L-Glutathione, GSH, N-(N-L-gamma-Glutamyl-L-cysteinyl)glycine.
A naturally occurring chemical.
Also known as: 1,2,3-propanetriol, Glicerol, Glucerite, Glycerin, Glycerine, Glycerol Monostearate, Glycerolum, Glyceryl Alcohol, Vegetable Glycerin.
An amino acid that the body makes and also obtains from food.
Also known as: Aminoacetic Acid, Athenon, Free Base Glycine, G Salt, Glycina, Glycocoll, Glycosthene, Iconyl, L-Glycine, Monazol.
Goa Powder
The dried, powdered latex from a Brazilian tree.
Also known as: Andira araroba, Araoba, Bahia Powder, Brazil Powder, Chrysatobine, Crude Chrysarobin, Ringworm Powder.
Goat's Rue
A plant. The above ground pieces are used to make medicine.
Also known as: French Honeysuckle, French Lilac, Galega, Galéga, Galega officinalis, Galega bicolor, Galega patula, Galegae Officinalis Herba, Geissrautenkraut, Goat's Rue Herb, Italian Fitch.
Golden Ragwort
A plant. It is used to make medicine.
Also known as: Cocash Weed, Coughweed, False Valerian, Female Regulator, Golden Groundsel, Golden Senecio, Grundy Swallow, Life Root, Ragwort, Senecio aureus, Séneçon Doria, Squaw Weed.
An herb. Used to make medicine.
Also known as: Aaron's Rod, Canadian Goldenrod, Early Goldenrod, European Goldenrod, Solidago canadensis, Solidago gigantea, Solidago longifolia, Solidago serotina, Solidago virgaurea, Vara de Oro, Verge d'Or, Woundwort.
An herb. Used to make medicine.
Also known as: Chinese Goldenseal, Eye Balm, Eye Root, Fard Inolien, Framboise de Terre, Goldenroot, Goldsiegel, Ground Raspberry, Hydraste, Hydraste du Canada, Hydrastis canadensis, Indian Dye, Indian Plant, Indian Tumeric, Jaundice Root, Orange Root, Racine à la Jaunisse, Racine Orange, Sceau D'Or, Sello de Oro, Turmeric Root, Warnera, Wild Curcuma, Yellow Indian Paint, Yellow Paint, Yellow Puccoon, Yellow Root.
A plant. The underground stem (rhizome) is used to make medicine.
Also known as: Cankerroot, Chinese Coptis, Chinese Goldthread, Coptide, Coptidis Rhizome, Coptis, Coptis Chinesis, Coptis deltoidea, Coptis Rhizome, Coptis teetoides, Coptis trifolia, Coptis groenlandica, Golden Thread, Goldenthread, Huang Lian, Huanglian, Mouth Root, Rhizoma Coptidis, Savoyane, Yellowroot.
A substance found in the cotton plant is extracted from the seeds and used for medicine.
Also known as: Cottonseed Oil extract, Gossypium herbaceum, Gossypium hirsutum, Karpasa.
Gotu Kola
An herb. Used to make medicine.
Also known as: Brahma-Buti, Brahma-Manduki, Centellase, Centella Asiatica, Centella Asiática, Centella Coriacea, Divya, Gota Kola, Hydrocotyle Asiatica, Indischer Wassernabel, Indian Pennywort, Indian Water Navelwort, Ji Xue Cao, Khulakhudi, Luei Gong Gen, Luo De Da, Madecassol, Mandukaparni, Manduk Parani, Mandukig, Marsh Penny, TTFCA, Talepetrako, Thick-Leaved Pennywort, Tsubo-kusa, Tungchian, White Rot.
A plant. The above ground pieces are used for medicine.
Also known as: Achweed, Aegopodium podagraria, Angelica Menor, Ashweed, Bishop's Elder, Bishop's Goutweed, Bishopsweed, Bishopswort, Egopodio, Eltroot, English Goatweed, Gout Herb, Goutwort, Ground Elder, Herb Gerard, Herbes-aux-Goutteux, Jack-Jump-About, Masterwort, Pigweed, Weyl Ash, White Ash.

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