Supplement, Vitamin and Herb Ingredient Glossary
Ingredient Glossary: K
- Kamala
- A plant. The gland and hair of the fruit are used to make medicine.
- Also known as: Kamcela, Kameela, Mallotus, Mallotus philippensis, Rottiera Tinctoria, Spoonwood.
- Kaolin
- A type of clay found in nature.
- Also known as: Argilla, Bolus Alba, China Clay, Heavy Kaolin, Hydrated aluminum silicate, Light Kaolin, Porcelain Clay, White Bole.
- Karaya Gum
- A sap-like material from a tree.
- Also known as: Bassora Tragacanth, Goma Karaya, Gomme Karaya, Indian Tragacanth, Kadaya, Kadira, Katila, Kullo, Mucara, Sterculia Gum, Sterculia tragacantha, Sterculia urens, Sterculia villosa.
- Kava
- A plant native to the South Pacific. The root is used for medicine.
- Also known as: Ava Pepper, Ava Root, Awa, Gea, Gi, Intoxicating Long Pepper, Intoxicating Pepper, Kao, Kavain, Kavapipar, Kawa, Kawa Kawa, Kawa Pepper, Kawapfeffer, Kew, Lawena, Long Pepper, Malohu, Maluk, Maori Kava, Meruk, Milik, Piper methysticum, Poivre des Cannibales, Poivre des Papous, Rauschpfeffer, Rhizome Di Kava-Kava, Sakau, Tonga, Waka, Wurzelstock, Yagona, Yangona, Yaqona, Yaquon, Yongona.
- Kefir
- A fermentation product of milk.
- Also known as: Fermented Dairy Product, Fermented Milk, Kéfir, Kefir Cheese, Kefir Grains, Kefir Yogurt.
- Khat
- A plant. The leaf and stem are used for medicine.
- Also known as: Abyssinian Tea, Arabian-Tea, Catha edulis, Celastrus edulis, Chaat, Gat, Kat, Kus es Salahin, Miraa, Qat, Qut, Tchaad, Tohai, Tohat, Tschut.
- Khella
- A plant. The dried fruit is used to make medicine
- Also known as: Ammi, Ammi daucoides, Ammi visnaga, Bischofskrautfruchte, Bishop's Weed, Bishops Weed Fruit, Daucus visagna, Fruits De Khella Fruit, Khellin, Toothpick Ammi, Toothpick Plant, Visnaga, Visnagae, Visnagafruchte, Visnaga Fruit, Visgagin.
- Kinetin
- A cytokinin which are compounds that stimulate plants to grow.
- Also known as: Cinetina, Kinerase, Kinetase, Kinetina, Kinétine, Kn, N-(2-furanylmethyl)-1H-purin-6-amine, N(6)furfuryladenine, 6-furfurylaminopurine, Quinetina.
- Kiwi
- A plant. The fruit is used as medicine.
- Also known as: Actinidia chinensis, China Gooseberry, Chinese Gooseberry, Kiwi Fruit, Teng Li Gen.
- Knotweed
- An herb. Used to make medicine.
- Also known as: Allseed Nine-Joints, Anjubar, Armstrong, Beggarweed, Bian Xu, Bird's Tongue, Birdweed, Centinode, Centinodia, Cow Grass, Crawlgrass, Doorweed, Hogweed, Knot Grass, Knotweed Herb, Lengua de Pajaro, Mexican Sanguinaria, Ninety-Knot, Pigrush, Pigweed, Polygoni Avicularis Herba, Polygonum aviculare, Red Robin, Renouée des Oiseaux, Sanguinaria, Sparrow Tongue, Swine Grass, Swynel Grass, Vogelknoeterichkraut, Yerba Nudosa.
- Kombucha Tea
- Derived from the fermentation of yeast and bacteria with black tea, sugar, and other ingredients.
- Also known as: Champagne Of Life, Combucha Tea, Dr. Sklenar's Kombucha Mushroom Infusion, Kombucha Thé, Mushroom Infusion, Fungus Japonicus, Kargasok Tea, Kombucha, Kombucha Mushroom Tea, Kwassan, Manchurian Fungus, Manchurian Mushroom Tea, Spumonto, T'Chai from the Sea, Té de Kombucha, Tschambucco.
- Kousso
- A plant. Used to make medicine.
- Also known as: Agenia Abyssinica, Banksia abyssinica, Brayera anthelmintica, Cossoo, Hagenia abyssinica, Kooso, Kosso.
- Krill Oil
- Comes from a shrimp-like animal.
- Also known as: Aceite de Krill, Antarctic Krill Oil, DHA, Docosahexanoic Acid, EPA, Euphausia Superba Oil, Euphausiids Oil, Huile de Krill, Marine Protein Concentrate, n-3 Fatty Acids, Omega 3, Omega-3 Fatty Acids, Omega-3, Omega-3 Fatty Acids, Omega-3 Oil, Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids, W-3 Fatty Acids.
- Kudzu
- A plant. Used to make medicine.
- Also known as: Bidarikand, Daidzein, Dolichos lobatus, Fen Ke, Fenge, Gange, Ge Gen, Gegen, Indian Kudzu, Isoflavone, Isoflavones, Japanese Arrowroot, Kakkon, Kudsu, Kudzu Vine, Kwaao Khruea, Mealy Kudzu, Pueraria, Pueraria lobata, Pueraria mirifica, Pueraria Montana, Pueraria pseudohirsuta, Pueraria Root, Pueraria thomsonii, Pueraria thunbergiana, Pueraria tuberosa, Radix Puerariae, Red Indian Kudzu, Thai Kudzu Root Extract, Vidarikand, White Indian Kudzu, Yege.