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Chlorophyll + RNA + DNA (Daily Cleanse)

Yaeyama Chlorella has great benefits for the body.  Chlorella vulgaris is the scientific name for single-celled algae that lives in fresh water but it is also more commonly known as green algae. Its name is derived from the Greek words chloros (green), ella (small) and vulgaris which means ‘ordinary’. Yet chlorella vulgaris is far from being ordinary.  Yaeyama Chlorella is available as a private label herbal supplement due to the extraordinary health benefits which come from taking it and it is easy to consume.

Although chlorella vulgaris may be a new product to many, there are actually records going back for years.  The algae also contains lutein which is an antioxidant that is said to protect against certain eye problems associated with old age including cataracts.

Chlorella vulgaris also contains the most Chlorophyll of any edible species in the world. It contains approximately 3,700 mg of Chlorophyll per 100 grams which is six times more than what is contained in spinach. Botanists know that Chlorophyll is vital for plant survival as it allows them to absorb sunlight which is then converted into energy. Yet Chlorophyll is also vital for human beings because it helps the body to rid itself of toxins, aids the immune system and increases our energy.

Yaeyama chlorella on the other hand, is a subspecies of chlorella vulgaris. It is 100% pure 9001-HAACP chlorella vulgaris and grows in fresh water on the coral island reef of Ishigaki, Japan. Being from the same family as chlorella vulgaris, it shares the same properties such as an inordinately high amount of chlorophyll, protein and other natural vitamins. Like chlorella vulgaris, yaeyama chlorella uses a special process to break the cell wall yet it still preserves the nutrients contained within.


  • Natural gentle, daily cleanse that has as many health benefits as it's effective as a cleanse from nature
  • Perfect cleanse for those who lack a fiber filled diet
  • Helpful for those who are looking to cleanse their system naturally; on a regular basis
  • Aids the immune system and increases the bodies own natural energy levels
  • Helpful for this who suffer from negative effects of taking prescription medications
  • Inherently contains the antioxidant Lutein which is known to help protect against age related eye problems
  • Chlorella vulgaris is so nutrient rich it contains 3700 mg  of Chlorophyll per 100 grams (6 times more than spinach)

Supplement Facts

Serving Size: 5 Capsules

Servings per Container: 30

Amount per Serving % DV
Yaeyama Chlorella (Chlorella vulgaris) 2000 mg *

* Daily Value (DV) not established.

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Special Note

Any private label brand marketer who has a genuine interest in having their clients live longer and promoting a healthy lifestyle should add Private Label Supplements Chlorophyll + RNA + DNA to their line up.  It is formulated with 100% Yaeyama Chlorella (as Chlorella vulgaris).  There are no known side effects to using this product.

Chlorella vulgaris


Product Usage: Take five (5) capsules daily; preferably with a meals.
Bottle Count: 150
Form: Capsule
Form Size: #0
Bottle Size: 225cc
(hover over magnifying glass for bottle size)
Bottle/Lid Color: White HDPE Bottle/White Ribbed Lid
Product Code: SJ5457
Product Type: Plant Source
Category: Detox/Cleanse

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