Herbal Supplementation to Reduce Symptoms of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

Nomadic Lass / Foter.com / CC BY-SA

Unfortunately, there are many questions which still remain unanswered by modern medicine. Healing the body and restoring it to a balanced and stable state is not always possible. Take for example Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, a condition which still awaits a proper explanation or treatment. Its origin is unknown and though numerous causes have been suggested, none have been confirmed with certainty.

But where medicine cannot understand the causes, it tries to at least remedy the symptoms while it keeps searching for an overall solution. Below you can find a short description of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, the therapies used in its treatment and how supplementation may also help. And how you, as a retailer, can address your clients’ needs with your own private label supplement.

Don’t wait, order now!

Contact our Sales Manager Danny at 855-209-0225 ext. 1010
or at danny@privatelabelsupplement.com.


Understanding Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS)

MyBestTreat / Foter.com / CC BY-NC-ND

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome is one of the many names of a number of conditions which share common symptoms. The name has been contested by a number of scientists because the syndrome can have physical, mental and emotional impacts. Therefore ‘fatigue’ is an inadequate description but is used as a reference and has become widely accepted. Other names for CFS are Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (ME) or Post-Viral Fatigue Syndrome (PVFS).

‘Post-viral’ is often accepted as a good description as in many cases the onset of the syndrome seems to be accompanied or preceded by a flu or viral-like condition. But because a direct link between a viral infection and CFS has not yet been established, this name only suggest a possible reason.

CFS is more easily defined by its symptoms or diagnostic criteria which can be one or more of the following:

  • The onset of severe fatigue which persists for many months at a time and is not related to any physical, mental or emotional exertion. Neither is it alleviated by sleep or other forms of rest.
  • Increased and disproportionate amounts of exhaustion and fatigue after physical or mental exertion, which can last for very long periods.
  • Lack of focus and concentration, a weakening of memory, ‘mental fog’, depressive states and mood swings.
  • Myalgia (muscle pain), joint pain, tender and swollen lymph nodes.
  • Sudden and strong sensitivities and intolerances to foods, odors and sounds as well as allergies.

These are some of the main symptoms which may qualify a condition to be diagnosed as CFS. Due to their similarity with other conditions, people experiencing any of these symptoms should have tests conducted to rule out the possibility of diabetes, sleep disorders, hypothyroidism, mononucleosis and other conditions.

Furthermore, the above symptoms may manifest in different degrees, ranging from mild to extreme. Some people with CFS may be able to continue to function relatively well, while others may be severely impaired and in almost constant need of rest. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, there are an estimated 1-4 million Americans who are currently suffering from CFS, with only about 20% of them having been diagnosed.


Relieving Symptoms of CFS

Fox valley Institute / Foter.com / CC BY

There are currently no known cures for CFS, according to official sources. A number of treatments and therapies have been suggested to affect and relieve the symptoms so as to help people achieve a more balanced condition.

The most well-known therapies are: cognitive behavioral therapy, graded exercise therapy and pacing. Of these, pacing was reported by about 82% of participants in a survey to be effective in helping them cope and restore a certain degree of normal activity. 61% of respondents reported that supplements also helped alleviate symptoms and 58% reported that herbal remedies benefited them.

dogtooth77 / Foter.com / CC BY-NC-SA

A number of herbal supplements exist which have been shown to be effective in counteracting symptoms such as the ones displayed by CFS. These may therefore also prove to be useful to people suffering from CFS. Supplements such as Echinacea + Golden Seal Root, Odorless Garlic + Cayenne and Cranberry Concentrate have strong immune-stimulating, anti-inflammatory and anti-viral properties which can assist the body in regenerating and regaining strength.


Offering Herbal Supplements as a Remedy to CFS

While a cure for CFS has not been found, proper supplementation may help alleviate its symptoms. Especially when coupled with other treatments such as therapies, a healthy diet and regular but careful exertion, as prescribed by one’s doctor.

Retailers of supplements can assist their customers who suffer from CFS to deal with this as yet unexplained condition by offering them the relevant herbal supplements. Given the estimated number of people who have not been diagnosed, educating clients about the symptoms and expressions of CFS further helps spread awareness.

Contact our Sales Manager Danny at 855-209-0225 ext. 1010 or via e-mail at danny@privatelabelsupplement.com to find out more and get a quote. Offer these beneficial herbal supplements to your customers today!

All my best,
Stefani Thionnet
Stay focused and never give up!

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Stefani Thionnet

Owner & CEO, Private Label Supplement, Private Label Hemp + CBD Products, and StartUp TakeOff. A cowboy entrepreneur, a nearly three-decade veteran in the health & wellness industry, Stefani thrives on Clients’ success and is relentlessly seeking new ways to deliver quality GMP product that furthers a company’s marketing and drives volume with the confidence that comes from successful strategic partnerships. With an inventive, innovative approach to product development and a commitment to Client relations, her professional motto is, “If we are lucky enough to fill one order but haven’t earned your repeat business, we haven’t done our job.” Thank you!

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