3 Hottest Supplements of Summer 2014

3 Hottest Private Label Supplements

Summer 2014 is here. It’s a time for Private Label Supplement customers to hit the beach and show off what they’ve achieved from living healthy and active lifestyles.

As customers see the benefits of fitness and good nutrition, it’s easier for them to maintain good habits, and they want more supplements. Consequently, in summer, we see a rise in demand for certain products. While some retailers may struggle to keep up with customers’ requests for those supplements they find most helpful, think ahead and don’t be left in short supply. Here are the most in-demand supplements for summer 2014.


Private Label Garcinia Cambogia Extract


Private Label Garcinia Cambogia

Private Label Garcinia Cambogia Extract is, without a doubt, our hottest supplement this summer. Looking at the sky-high numbers of online queries, customer requests, and sales, it’s not hard to see why.

Garcinia Cambogia is a timeless product that’s just now been recognized in the supplement world. This tropical fruit, which looks like a small green pumpkin, is native to South Asia and parts of Africa. It has long been used in Indian Ayurvedic medicine as an aid to digestion, and has only recently been introduced to common consumer use.

Garcinia Cambogia supplements are fruit extract based. Like the Ayurvedic medicine of old, today’s supplements are used to manage appetite and support dieting. Since being unveiled, it’s been frequently called “the Holy Grail of weight loss,” and is thought to manage Cortisol, commonly referred to as “the stress hormone.” Private Label Supplement’s unique, customized formula includes all the active ingredients someone needs.

Ultimately, if there’s one thing summer’s for, besides soaking up the sun, it’s living stress-free! Make sure that when your customers ask for Garcinia Cambogia Extract, you don’t find yourself without private label supplements to offer.


Private Label Pure Green Coffee Bean Extract


The green coffee bean differs from its more familiar dark cousins in that it is raw, having not undergone any of the traditional processing. In order to prepare beans to become coffee, the beans are subjected to thermal processing. While this turns them into the brown beans that we use to make beverages, it leaches numerous nutrients from them. By leaving green coffee beans in their natural state, growers allow them to retain their amino acids, proteins, carbohydrates, alkaloids, lipids, and chlorogenic acids.

Green coffee bean supplements have the “pure” ingredients of these untouched beans. There are many benefits associated with these nutrients, including blood sugar regulation, appetite management, antioxidant properties, and lower blood pressure and cholesterol.

We’ve seen the demand for Private Label Pure Green Coffee Bean Extract skyrocket this summer. Customers want these beans, so don’t get caught empty-handed when they ask for green coffee bean extract.


Private Label Coleus Forskohlii Extract


coleusColeus Forskohlii, or Forskolin, is a hard-to-say supplement that’s made big news in 2014. Like Garcinia Cambogia, Forskolin has a long history of use in Indian Ayurvedic medicine. Forskolin is an herbal plant, related to mint. As with mint, people throughout history have associated it with special dietary properties, although it’s only now become highly sought-after.

When Forskolin is ingested, enzymes in the substance release a molecule called cAMP (cyclic adenosine monophosphate). cAMP is a powerful active ingredient, because it’s believed to increase the rate at which fat is burned when the molecule penetrates fat cells. Forskolin is also very popular among men, because it’s believed to increase the body’s natural creation of testosterone. Naturally, this supplement has become popular in the bodybuilding community, because due to the boost in testosterone, it can increase lean muscle and bone mass.

When word got out about Forskolin’s power in May of 2014, it ignited a huge demand for an extract that had been obscure until that point. Many private label supplement brands were caught unaware by the demand. Now, a couple of months later, the numbers still don’t lie: people want Forskolin this summer. They want to use it for health, muscle gain, and weight loss, so don’t be caught unable to respond to customer demands.


We know that summer is a hot time for private label supplements, but we usually don’t know what the hottest products will be until we’re in the thick of it. Here in mid-July, we know that these products are flying off the shelves, and will continue to be in high demand! It’s not too late to jump on the wave, and a delay in ordering will only mean lost business.

Call us now! Take advantage of the demand for these supplements, which is at its highest ever! Contact us at 855-209-0225 ext. 2 or email us at sales@privatelabelsupplement.com. We are waiting for your call!


All my best,
Stefani Thionnet
Stay focused and never give up!

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Stefani Thionnet

Owner & CEO, Private Label Supplement, Private Label Hemp + CBD Products, and StartUp TakeOff. A cowboy entrepreneur, a nearly three-decade veteran in the health & wellness industry, Stefani thrives on Clients’ success and is relentlessly seeking new ways to deliver quality GMP product that furthers a company’s marketing and drives volume with the confidence that comes from successful strategic partnerships. With an inventive, innovative approach to product development and a commitment to Client relations, her professional motto is, “If we are lucky enough to fill one order but haven’t earned your repeat business, we haven’t done our job.” Thank you!

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